
Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and the environment! Click the link below to find out how to get involved and volunteer around you!

Food Recipes

Making small changes in food consumption can positively impact the environment. For example, if you eat more plant-based meals and proteins as well as decreasing food waste by using appropriate portions, can decrease your carbon footprint! Click the link below to learn more and get more food inspiration!

Recycling & Composting

Benefits of recycling and composting are numerous and all come around to benefit our planet, people and animals!

Various benefits of recycling/composting:

  • Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals
  • Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials
  • Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect raw materials
  • Enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests
  • Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers our carbon footprint

Recycle Your Game

Recycle Your Game is a community initiative with the Victory Project, sponsored by Huhtamaki. This program allows fans to donate lightly used soccer balls and cleats, which will then be given to children in an underserved community through a soccer clinic put on by the Victory Project.

Two donation drives will be held this year where fans can drop off their gently used gear. The only items accepted for this donation drive is soccer balls and cleats.


Carpooling is great for the environment and for your wallet! Here's some fast carpool facts:

  • If you carpool at least twice a week, you can help reduce the emission of 1,600 pounds of greenhouse gases by a car each year.
  • Car-sharing can save you up to thousands of dollars a year! An average carpooler saves about $600 each month on commuting, depending on the distance covered.
  • If everyone carpools for at least one day a week, the traffic on the road will reduce by 20%.
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